Nov 26, 2019 | NEWS

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THE major maintenance of the Kabanut Health Centre general ward is a big achievement for the people living in and around the Kabanut health centre catachment area.

Kabanut Health Centre is along the West coast of Namatanai, which has a catchment area of twenty (20) villages and a population of more than 6,000 people.

It is a major transiting area for people travelling by boat from Kokopo to Namatanai then Lihir and vice versa with an increase in the mobile population around the catchment area.

A lot of activities and developments have been going on for the last few months, with the development of road maintenance works, which makes it accessible for people to travel and receive health service in the health facility.

Neutilus Minerals has also engaged a health worker from the Untied Health Services in their health patrols in the Coastal Area of Benefit (CAB) and highlighted lacking facilities and disease prevalence with the ward as a priority for maintenance.

The maintenance works were completed in three (3) weeks costing more than K40, 000 with funding assistance from CHS (PNG).

Which had been accumulated to fund some of our projects stipulated in our five (5) years development plan 2015 – 2020. This project was earmarked for this year and is now achieved.

The newly maintained facility will cater for inpatients from within and surrounding catchment areas which has been the case for church health run facilities that provide and deliver health services to the rural majority.

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