2025 – 2035
“Recapturing Christ’s vision and mission in the delivery of quality health services”
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Standard Treatment guidelines and Child Record books.
Our Core Values
- Prayer: Strategic prayer is an essential prerequisite for success in any program
- Christian Unity: Promotion of unity and cooperation between all denominations of Christian churches.
- Dignity: All people have intrinsic value as equally made in the image of God, and therefore deserve opportunity to know Him and to develop with dignity.
- Integration: We emphasize Christian Biblical integral development, integrating the physical, social, spiritual and mental components of the person
- Sustainable Development: Long-term solutions focus on development rather than relief, disease prevention rather than cure, equipping and empowering people to change themselves rather than doing it for them.
- Community Ownership: Programs are owned by the people and built on local initiative, as demonstrated by volunteerism and wise use of local resources.
- Multiplication: Training people to train others using concepts and appropriate technologies that are transferable.